The language development of hearing-impaired children has stalled. What aspects need to be paid attention to?

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For a person with normal hearing, if he can master and use language, he must have at least three basic conditions, namely a sound brain, normal vocal organs and normal hearing. In the process of human speech communication, the respiratory system, the power source of speech, generates enough airflow. The airflow vibrates the vocal cords in the vocal system, producing original vocal cord sounds, which then pass through the resonance cavity, larynx cavity, pharyngeal cavity, oral cavity, and nasal cavity. Different resonances with the lip cavity and shape, thus producing speech with rich and colorful sound quality.

The language development of hearing-impaired children has stalled. What aspects need to be paid attention to?
Many aspects need to be paid attention to in language training for hearing-impaired children. It is not possible to speak immediately after putting on a hearing aid. The sounds that deaf children hear from hearing aids are very different from those heard by normal people. , it sounds far away and the sound is unclear. But the whole family should be happy to treat it, because it is such a joy for the children to hear the sound. In order to keep the child's hearing in the best condition not only during training but also in daily life, parents should be familiar with the hearing level and the suitability of hearing aids. They should pay special attention to the changes and deterioration of hearing, provide timely treatment, and readjust hearing aids. Be patient and persistent during the communication process.

Parents’ emotions and attitudes directly affect the physical and mental development of hearing-impaired children. After receiving a diagnosis of hearing loss in their children, wise parents can generally adjust their emotions quickly and face reality correctly. Under the guidance of doctors and rehabilitation departments, and with reference to the hearing and language development of normal children, they provide Develop practical rehabilitation plans for hearing-impaired children, with clear phased goals and specific measures, so that the effects can be regularly checked and training methods improved.

Select hearing aids as early as possible.
It is necessary to choose a hearing aid for your child under the guidance of an otologist. The earlier this work is done, the better the results will be. There is a hearing-impaired child whose hearing loss was as high as 95dB and 100dB respectively after a brainstem hearing test at four months old, which is considered extremely severe deafness. Since the hearing aid was immediately put on, the habit of listening was naturally formed. Long-term and appropriate sound stimulation improved his hearing level and ability to distinguish speech. When he was 5 years old, his hearing with a hearing aid could reach 56 to 70 decibels. He was classified as moderately severe level one hard of hearing and could receive education in an ordinary kindergarten. Although he had poor discrimination of consonants such as j, q, z, c, s, etc. , the enunciation is not very clear when speaking, but the four tones are correct, the speech can be understood, and the electronic keyboard can also be played. It can be seen that early selection of hearing aids is of great significance to children's speech rehabilitation. Parents should try their best to provide their children with hearing aids of good quality, learn how to use and keep hearing aids, and check their children's usage frequently, and provide them with hearing aids in a timely manner.Replacement battery.

More than ten years of rehabilitation practice have proven that if language rehabilitation training for hearing-impaired children is to achieve significant results, the implementer must follow some basic principles:< br />First, the training process is from simple to complex, step by step;
Second, focus on early intervention and persevere;
Third, the training content is not carried out in isolation, but complements each other and is carried out simultaneously;
/>Fourth, create a good listening environment and language environment;
Fifth, formulate appropriate individual training plans based on the evaluation results;
Sixth, master effective training methods;

Seventh, Give full play to the role of parents.

Nothing can replace parent-child communication

In view of this, hearing experts suggest that instead of buying expensive electronic toys for your children, it is better to buy some traditional toys or picture books for your children. , of course, parents also need to take time to patiently accompany their children. Statistics from speech rehabilitation data show that parent-child communication brings far more benefits to hearing-impaired children than electronic "educational toys" bring to children.

Toys are only a tool for rehabilitation training of hearing-impaired children, and more importantly, human guidance. If parents do not know how to use toys to guide their children in rehabilitation training, no matter how good or expensive the toys are, they will be meaningless.