Can conductive hearing loss be cured?

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Conductive deafness is also called acoustic deafness. The path for external sound waves to enter the inner ear is obstructed due to pathological factors in the ear sound transmission system. The sound transmission system of the ear includes the external auditory canal, tympanic membrane, ossicles, cochlear window, etc. Therefore, damage to the above parts for any reason can lead to deafness. Such as congenital atresia of the external auditory canal, cerumen, foreign bodies, inflammation and tumors; diseases of the tympanic membrane, such as tympanic membrane rupture and perforation; deformities, inflammation, trauma and tumors of the middle ear, etc. However, otitis media and obstructive lesions of the external auditory canal are more common, so actively preventing and treating otitis media is of great significance to preventing deafness.

Can conductive hearing loss be cured?
The treatment of conductive deafness has gone through more than 100 years of development, and technology has been continuously improved, and good results have been achieved. Most conductive deafness can be improved through surgery. For example, radical mastoidectomy for the most common chronic suppurative otitis media, and later developed modified radical mastoidectomy, tympanoplasty, etc., not only remove middle ear lesions, but also improve the patient's hearing. At present, only a few types of sensorineural hearing loss can be treated with drugs. For sudden deafness as mentioned above, it is recommended to use drugs that dilate blood vessels, reduce blood viscosity and nourish nerves for early treatment, but the efficacy varies from person to person. , about 30% of patients still cannot get hearing compensation after taking medicine. For patients with sensorineural deafness, the most effective way to improve hearing is to wear a hearing aid or a cochlear implant.

Conductive hearing loss is also called acoustic hearing loss. The path for external sound waves to enter the inner ear is obstructed due to pathological factors in the ear sound transmission system. The sound transmission system of the ear includes the external auditory canal, tympanic membrane, ossicles, cochlear window, etc. Therefore, damage to the above parts for any reason can lead to deafness. Such as congenital atresia of the external auditory canal, cerumen, foreign bodies, inflammation and tumors; diseases of the tympanic membrane, such as tympanic membrane rupture and perforation; deformities, inflammation, trauma and tumors of the middle ear, etc. However, otitis media and obstructive lesions of the external auditory canal are more common, so actively preventing and treating otitis media is of great significance to preventing deafness. Treatment mainly targets the cause, such as tympanoplasty for external or middle ear deformities and tympanoplasty for otitis media.

The treatment of deafness depends on the type. Conductive deafness can be treated with surgery or medication to achieve satisfactory results, but currently most sensorineural deafness is still Clinical cure is not possible and hearing aids and cochlear implants are required to compensate for hearing loss. Of course, the best treatment is not as good as prevention. It is fundamental to learn more about hearing health care and reduce the occurrence of deafness!

Prevention of conductive deafness
1. Maintain Clean the external auditory canal to prevent damage to the external auditory canal. Do not use unclean matchsticks, toothpicks, or hair dryers.Clamp and dig the ears to avoid causing otitis externa and local swelling leading to hearing loss.
2. Swimmers, before going into the water, can use cotton soaked in Vaseline paste to block the opening of the external auditory canal to prevent sewage from entering the ear canal and causing infection.
3. A cold is usually accompanied by stuffy nose and runny nose. At this time, do not use excessive force to push the nasal mucus from the nasal cavity into the middle ear through the short tube connected with the middle ear, causing otitis media. **Nasal drops should be used to reduce swelling and ventilate the mucous membrane, making it easier to discharge secretions. When blowing your nose, hold one nostril and blow out gently.

4. If you have acute otitis media, you must go to the hospital immediately for thorough treatment. Delayed treatment will develop into chronic otitis media and seriously damage hearing.

5. If the tympanic membrane is perforated due to other reasons, such as trauma or blasting damage, you should seek medical treatment in time and heal the tympanic membrane perforation under the guidance of a doctor to prevent the formation of chronic otitis media and further damage to hearing. People with unhealed tympanic membrane perforation are strictly prohibited from swimming, waterproof their ears, and be careful when digging their ears.